Do you use a terrarium?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Questions, answers, and happy plants

I started growing my first two nepenthes about 9 months ago and have had several questions come up and I've made a few mistakes along the way. I've learned from my mistakes and I hope to help you learn from mine as well!

My first two nepenthes were N.miranda ( It might be a miranda X ? I lost the identification tag shortly after getting it) and N.sanguinea. 

I recently purchased N.singalana and N.boschiana X densiflora. 

All of the plants I purchased were very young as I found larger plants cost a small fortune for a poor college student...I will take pictures of where they are now and give their approximate ages and growing conditions. Until recently my first two plants were not receiving enough light. They were growing fine but their color was off, they were very pale green when they should have been darker green and red.

Feel free to ask any questions and I will try my best to answer or at least to point you in the direction of some proper experts. I am not an expert, I would say I am just leaving the "beginner" class in that I have done a lot of research and grown at least two plants for about a year. Don't take my word for it on anything! Use google... it is your friend. Also the people at have wonderful care sheets for various carnivorous plants I advise checking out their site. This blog is strictly a documentation of my experience growing carnivorous plants and I will do my best to share what I learn.

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