Do you use a terrarium?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

New Plants

N.mikei, N.ramispina


The youngins
N.truncata Queen of Hearts X King of Spades (x2)
N.mikei, N.ramispina
N.miranda new pitcher

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Plants Update


N.boschiana X densiflora

N.truncata (QoH X KoS)



Friday, October 8, 2010

One final soil change

So I couldn't shake the itch even though I know I should have given the plants longer to settle in. I was concerned about potentially having too much salt from the coir bark. I just made the most simple version of soil I could which would be 1 part lfs and 1 part perlite. My gut says they will be happier now as long as I didn't traumatize them too much changing the soil so many times :/

New plants coming!

Woo new plants should be here probably next Wednesday. Nepenthes Mikei and Nepenthes Ramispina. Sarracenia Northewest ( has a great deal on them right now, around $10 each.

