Do you use a terrarium?


Proper light is vital in order to have healthy plants. If your plant doesn't receive enough light it most likely won't pitcher, or if it does pitcher it won't produce very colorful pitchers. Without proper light your nepenthes may not even grow at all. It is hard to advise what lighting is appropriate without knowing what type of nepenthes you have as they all have specific light requirements. It is best to research your plant and try to match the light requirements you find.

If you can't provide enough light by putting your plant in the right amount of sun, you can provide the light fluorescent lights. For my personal set up I have mostly highlanders and intermediates so I am able to provide one type of light for all of my plants. I use two 55 watt (300 watt equiv.) compact fluorescent lights that provide 4700 lumens each. I have these lights on for around 12-14 hours a day. I did not have enough light when I first started growing. My plants grew and even pitchered, but the pitchers had no color and the plants were a pale green. Within a few weeks of proper light my plants are growing faster and have more color than I have ever seen them have.

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